Coke oven gas can be used for power generation, fuel, production of hydrogen and liquefied methane, synthetizing natural gas, and production of methanol and synthetic ammonia. From investment and economic benefits point of view, methanol and ammonia production is a better choice in terms of economic and social benefits.
UNE has proprietary technologies in following two aspects:
1. Use coke oven gas to produce methanol, natural gas, synthetic ammonia.
The main production process includes coke oven gas treatment, methanol synthesis, CH4 and H2 separation, etc. Products are methanol, natural gas, hydrogen or hydrogen products (such as synthetic ammonia).
This technology can be achieved by transforming existing methanol production equipment.
2. Use coke oven gas to produce natural gas and synthetic ammonia.
This technology uses coke oven gas to produce natural gas, and residual hydrogen can be used to produce synthetic ammonia.